Final Idea
We researched pop music videos again to find a perfect match that our group can work effectively with and Rita Ora-"Hot Right Now" was the music video we liked the most because it featured a lot of break dancing and our ideal narrative. The music video shows a mixed group of friends meeting up in an urban backstreet and showing of their break dance moves. The location is also ideal because there is a lot of graffiti on the walls which associates with rebellion against the status quo. This associates with teenagers because its the period people become rebellion against their parents and the norm.
Our final Idea of the music video is to show a day in a life of a teenager but representing the teenage artist in three different ways, for example in each scene she is a different character for example at the skate park we want her represented as a urban punk and grunger. We will use costumes like dark clothing and dye the artists her dark and paint her nail black. We are also going to use locations such as Southbank skate park and activities like skateboarding which is associated with grungers and some punks. The other two scene will be in the basketball court when the artist is in character of a tomboy and the final scene is at the bar where the artist is in character of a glamorous teen. The idea of this narration is to show that all different teenagers regardless of their culture enjoy doing similar things such as hanging out with friends and having fun.
At the basketball scene we are going to show the artist dressed like a tomboy in a tracksuit, trainers and hanging out in a predominant male group. We also want to show the artist engaging in sports such as basketball and football to enforce this stereotype of being a tomboy. We will film this part in the basketball court in Shoreditch, near our college so we can see the building surrounding the basketball to create an urban atmosphere. This scene is influenced by Lady Sovereign-"A little bit of shhhh" about a tomboy hanging out with her friends in the back street and skatepark messing around.
The final scene in the bar is linked to the beginning of the video when the artist is getting ready in her room to go out. This scene is influenced by Cher Lloyd -"I want you back" which shows the artist at a milkshake shop with her friends hanging out dressed up in a stylish revealing way. However we will not dress our artist in a revealing way because we are challenging the code and convention voyeurism notion to create a male gaze. We also don't want out teenage audience to feel that attracting a male gaze is appropriate.
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