Ancillary Text Research
Before we could design our Digipack alongside our magazine for our artist we research our similar artist to see the theme which runs through their media products.
- I need to zoom in at the poster because her body doesn't take up the whole frame like the front cover magazine. This allows you to see the make up on her face which is very much like in her music video, CD cover and front cover magazine.
- Her hairstyle remains the same which is jet black with a fringe. She keeps the same hairstyle through all different media text because she wants to portray herself the same and maintain her identity. This maintains her Gothic but sexy look altogether. Although its quite a long shot you can see her eyeliner coloured in black like in all three media texts. This helps her keep her mysterious look as part of her identity as an artist.
- Jessie J likes to pose in her pictures like on the magazine front cover and the advert. This is a king of lady like or feminine pose to embrace her looks. Although she looks more brave on the advert it links with her saluting like a soldier in the magazine cover because both poses have strong and brave look/sign.
- We can see that her clothing through all three media texts are predominantly dark or black. This shows her identity as slight gothic and sexy because of the cleavage.
- The explosion in the background on the ad supports her brave and strong character because its a superhero convention of standing in front of explosions for example Cat-woman.
- This magazine cover of Cosmopolitan features Jessie J on the front cover. She is an urban pop artist from England.
- on the cover of the magazine the black font are a theme running from the artist style for example from her black hair colour, make up and costume colour. This is similar to her CD cover where its a close up picture of the artist with the same hair style and a black colour theme as you can see her black lipstick, eyeliner, nails and top. the artist has chosen a distinctive image to portray herself or her product which is a black and punk-ish look.
- she has carried the black colour theme with the tops she is wearing on the CD cover and magazine which are both dark colour or black. She wears a dark purple and black spotted top on the magazine and on the CD cover she is wearing a black long sleeve top.
- she keeps her make-up similarly in both her music video, CD and magazine which is light make up, black eyeliner and strong black lipstick as seen in her CD cover. This can be because she wants her teenage girls audience to not feel the need to wear make up to be attractive and she encourages natural looks as natural personality because Jessie J has differentiated her looks to other pop artists.
- The artist also likes to wear something gold but only a little for example gold earrings as seen on her CD cover which also is also linked to her magazine cover were she is wearing gold shorts. Her CD cover also has a gold title which portrays her with some quality of glamour or richness which contradicts her punk black costume looks.
- The close up shot on the CD cover and the close up shots in her music video is showing the audience who the artist is and how she portrays herself. its also to highlight how she portrays herself with her light make up, costume and expressions.
- Her facial expression something used to differentiate herself because she uses animated facial expressions as she sings in her music video or relate to the lyrics. this backs up her fun characteristic and childishness which attracts her teenage girls audience because its more suitable to them.
- This long shot shows the artist riding a yellow toddler bike which portrays her as childish and funny. This is something that appeals to young teenage girls because they enjoy to have fun and do silly things.
- She pulls a sad face when she says "why is every body so serious, life so mysterious". She expresses her feelings but its also a in a comedian way because its not an serious sad face. This again portrays her as a characteristic fun artist.
For all mainstream artists it’s important to attract your potential fans or consumers by creating appealing music videos, CD covers and also magazine ads. The mainstream artist that I’m going to analyse is Tulisa I am also going to analyse her CD cover, which is called ‘Young’.
The target audience for her music are usually young urban males and females ranging between 12-22 who feel, as if they are at an age where having fun is key.
Tulisa Young Music Album:
- · Background scenery looks as if its some sort of holiday, young people would usually go to Party Island such as Ibiza, Ayia Napa, Zante.

- The music video itself was filmed in Ibiza and the title of the music album is ‘Young’ this may try to indicate that live your life for now and worry about other issues later on.
- · The smile on the artist face which is Tulisa indicates that she is happy may connote she is having the fun of her life and also her face seems to be tanned which may suggest that all young people enjoy the sun.
- The font and the writing on the CD is not too appealing as its only the artist name with the cover title, the artist name is written is some sort of funky way, however the album name which is ‘Young’ is in capital letters maybe to connote to be yourself and don’t worry about anyone else’s criticism.
- The song was made due to Tulisa being criticised for her wrong doing in the past, this song was released to send out a message that she was young back then and everything has changed as it is illustrated in her lyrics as she says “forgive me for what I have done, cause I’m young, yeah I’m young” this also sends out a message to her audience as she is trying to say whatever happened is past worry about your future.
- “It's just fun, it's just fun” indicate in her lyrics that messing around is all fun and also its part of every young person growing.
- Tulisa herself on the CD cover isn’t revealing, however you cannot she her upper body but from the shoulders audience can tell she might be dressed as being revealing, this also makes sense as the scenery seems to be some sort of holiday place it maybe Ibiza as the original music video was filmed there.
- The shot that is used for the magazine cover is medium long shot this may have been used to show off her body and to attract male and female attention.
- The camera angle seems to straight
- The body posture seems to be of her slightly tilted with one hand behind her head and the other holding some sort of purple heart lollipop in that particular picture it may connote she is being herself
- The clothes Tulisa is wearing looks similar to a low dress which come up to her thighs however this this dress covers some sort of flesh and some flesh are shown, this make indicate that she is someone that likes to have fun and the clothes that she is wearing would be worn to some sort of party, this can also relate to her music album which is called Young.
- This is a advert featured in 'Vibe' magazine of Beyonce promoting her world tour. Beyonce is a international pop and RnB, singer and songwriter.
- The main heading of the page is written in a bold black font making it eye catching. Futhermore, it is also is capital letters and situated at the top of the page. The maker of this advert uses the artist name 'Beyonce' as the main selling point, as the artist is globally popular her name itself brings audience.
- Beyonce is known to be a glamorous artist but she sometimes also wears revealing costumes. This is way of attracting both a male a female audience. Her glamorous look attracts young females, whilst her other look attracts a male audience. This idea comes from the Goodwin theory, who believe women are portrayed as sexual objects in order to sell their music. This look crates the 'male gaze'.
- In this advert beyonce is wearing a gold corset. The colour gold connotates fame and glamour which is commonly associated with this artist and also is appealing to her female audience. In addition, she is wearing a corset which is a garment which is related to sex which allures her male audience, because it enhances her figure.
- This is an american female artist who was on the cover of Solo Magazine promoting her album Breakthrough. The background colour is white which was same as her background on her album cover and magazine advert. This could create more emphasis on the artist costume and the message she wants to portray which could be confidence and glamorous.
- On the cover of the Solo magazine the artist costume is very mature (dresses or hats) which is also similar to her magazine adverts and CD cover which she used to advertise her album for example her black clothing is not targeted at youths or teenage girls but at grown and mature women, the make up is not to much, she is also very sexy in both magazine cover and album cover however her cloths is not revealing in either of the magazine cover or the album cover.
- The artist also uses her costume to appeal to the older target audience. The hat makes her appear more mature from her previous album covers. However her lip stick and make up is similar to what she had in her music video.
- The artist is covered up she is not too sexualised but the dress she wearing shows her thighs and the dress is a bit to tight. But the hood attached to the dress could indicate she is is still hood or ghetto all due she is rich, glamorous or successful she as not lost her ghetto roots and her success is something her target audience can aspire to.
- Her make up is consisntly wearing light make up in both CD cover and magazine cover which could indicate shes trying to appeal to an older audience and the clean white background could also promote that which is also seen in her other magazine cover backgrounds is dominately white even in her music video.
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