Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Target Audience

Target Audience

  • Judging from our questionnaire we found out that the age range between 14-19 was the most appropriate to target our pop music video to. This age group had the highest number for likes for the pop genre so we will target out digipack and video to that age range.
  • We also realised that in many pop music video like Cher Lloyd and Avril Lavigne that the performers and actors/actresses where mostly teenagers in this age range of 14-19. This allows our audience to relate to the music video because they may feel that they are represented in the music video. Our audience are influenced by the artist and dress in that similar style which our questionnaire shows.
  • British film and video censorship and classification wont need to give us censorship or restriction from showing during daytime TV because there is no sexual content, strong language or violence. Our video will be able to broadcast on music channels such as MTV, POP World and YouTube without warnings or age restriction.

  • Our music video is not targeted at a specific ethnic group but to a western audience who come from any background. This is because our music video will not have strong religious conventions but instead a cultural convention of western urban street, punk and glamour culture. Our casts in our music video are from a vast ethnic backgrounds such as Congo, Maritius, Bangladesh and England
  • The other reason this is not targeted at an specific ethnic group is because the conventions are more western for example the costumes, locations and activities such as clubbing, skateboarding ect.
  • We are trying to target a wide target audience by not focusing on one individual ethnicity or group of people so we will use a mixed cast to create diversity in our music video.

  • our music video is less inviting to the male audience and targeted at the female audience because the artist is a female and the video is showing what the artist is doing through her day and representing different stereotypes of teenage girls such as punk, glamorous and tomboy style which appeal less to men.
  • Our video doesnt invite the male audience with a male gaze because there isnt any voyeuristic notion of the artist to appeal sexual. we challenged this conventions of female artist in music videos by not having voyeuristic views of her.
Social Class:
  • we are targeting teenage girls from the working class because they watch music channels that we can distribute our video such as MTV and use the internet to watch music videos on YouTube. Our cast in the music video are from working class background and the locations we will film in are in areas associated with working class for example Basketball court in a council estate, Skatepark ETC.
  • Our pricing for our CD and I-Tunes will be suitable for this class because its affordable at £7 for the album and £1 for the single on I-Tunes.
  • Our cast and locations are all in the city of London and in an urban area so we are most likely to appeal to the urban audience which we are targeting at. This is because our audience can relate with the locations such as Southbank skate park and outdoor Basketball courts because they may visit these areas often or know where they are. Other audience living in the province may also like our video because they may like the locations we are filming in and the culture of the urban street teenagers.
  • Youtube
  • Google video
  • Universal republic (Universal Group) -Jessie J "do it like a dude"
  • breakbeat kaos- the record lable is owned by DJ fresh who produced Rita Ora's Hot right know and also associated with ministry of sound, another UK record label which has signed the artist Rita Ora. I believe this record label is best because they specialise in drum and bass which our pop artist has mixed in her hit "Hot Right Now" song. This record lable allows us to distribute our song in pop music channels such as VIVA, Ministry of sound night club and pop radio channels

similar fans:
  • We looked at many similar artist with the same music genre to help us connote a similar message and follow similar conventions. One of the artist is Cher Lloyd and we looked at her target audience which was also teenage girls from urban cities, we found that in her music video there were other teenage girls, dressed attractively and modern, doing things that teenage girls enjoy doing during their spare time such as going to milkshake shop and driving around with friends.
  • We also found that on YouTube the suggested music video for Rita Ora's -"hot right now" had similar pop artist such as Tulisa, Jessie J and Cher Lloyd who are all pop artist and from the UK. By looking at all their music videos we found similar conventions of girls hanging out, having fun for example in a house party or driving around together.
  • I chose this picture because you can see a crowed of teenage girls at Jessie J concert in Majorca which is also a big city and a party island destinations for teenage holidays.
  • You can see the majority of the teenagers are Caucasian which we have included in our target audience. We are also targeting all ethnic background including British teenagers because of the similarity of lifestyle and music choice such as all background enjoy pop music and do the same activities i mentioned that are also seen in pop music videos.

  •  This is Rita Ora's Instagram fan page where people are able to follow her and like the pictures she has put up
  • She has 1.2million followers as you can see on the right of the pictures
  • In order for me to find our target audience we went onto Rita Ora's fan page which included Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc
  • As you can see from the picture on the bottom left, majority of followers are young teenage girls, from this research I decided that the target audience for my main product will also be young teenage girls

  • we chose not to use any connotation of sexuality because we want to challenge the conventions of sexual female artist. This is because we don't want our artist to influence her target audience to feel that they must look sexual to get the male attention.
  • We are not going to try to attract a male-gaze in our music video neither a voyeuristic view of the artist. we are not targeting the male audience and don't want an unethical message to our young teenage audience
  • however we will portray our artist as attractive by how stylish modest her costume is when she is in a glamourous role which is one of the three roles she plays in our music video. The other roles are tom boy and punk characters. This can appeal to punk teenagers and tomboys but are main goal is to tell the audience that teenagers may appear different on the outside but also enjoy having fun in a similar way.
Psychographic of the audience:
  • Our target audience personality are reflected by our artist which is lively, fun and friendly. we believe this because similar artist such as Rita Ora and Jessie J act lively, stylish and fun in their music videos because they want to make that connection with their audience. Many Teenagers like to have fun and do lively things for example party and hang out with friends.
  • The majority of our target audience are likely to be in education because they are still in their teens which means they do exams and revision in education. Students anticipate the weekend so they can party and go out with friends and this links to our music because its associated with party and fun linking to the genre, lyrics and beat.

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