CD cover analysis
We researched similar artist CD/Digipacks such as Rita Ora and Jodie Connor to analyse the codes and conventions. This gave us ideas for designing our own digipack
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The front cover
Artist: Rita Ora
Album: Ora
Genre: Pop
- On the cover of the album there is a close up picture of the artist's face staring into the camera. This shot is used to emphasize her attractive face and who she is. Its also attracts the audience because you get a clear view of her face and she can also attract the male audience.
- The camera angle is slightly at a low angle as you cant see the top of her head, this can connote her slight superiority looking up to her because of her looks and identity being a artist.
- Her posture shows her feeling her hair and covering the side of her face connotes she is quite flirtatious because girls are associated with flirting when they are playing or feeling their hair. This attracts female and male young audience who also like flirting.
- At the same time it can also connote that she is a bit shy because she is covering the side of her face with her hand which portrays her quite innocent. This can reflect her teenage girls target audience for because they are young and innocent.
- Her body language portrays her as modest and feminine as you can see her shoulders pulled closer to her face to show her feminine small body fitting in the small frame. This is also common with super models who want to look skinny rather than broad or big.
- She is seen wearing light make-up in this cover and as well as in her music video. Although its in black and white its harder to notice any make up.
- The artist doesn't want to emphasize wearing make up because she wants to portray herself as natural or pure. This can also reflect how she wants to influence her teenage audience to want to feel naturally attractive without heavy make-up.
- She is wearing a strong colour lipstick which i cant tell what colour because the cover is black and white but i strongly believe its red lipstick because she carries a similar make up style in her music videos and posters for example "Hot Right Now" video. The red colour stands for romance and some possible sexual appeal.
- Her eye brown are picked so its looks finer and portrays the artist as elegant and enticing but she is not over the top with heavy make up.
- The artist hair is naturally curly and blond, this hair style also connotes her style as captivating although its her natural hair style. She may have used her natural hair to convey she is naturally born to be a stylish pop artist. This style also is associated with fun, stylish, hot and reflects how she wants to portray herself.
- you cant see what clothes she is wearing but the audience can see she will be wearing something revealing some flesh because her shoulder is exposed and some upper chest area. This portrays her style as quite sexy because she may be showing cleavage in her cover and music videos but doesn't dress promiscuously to get the male attention.
- You cant see the background because her hair is in the way but you can see that the bright light reflecting of her face is coming from the camera flash that is commonly used by professional cameras or photographers which gives the impression the artist is special or a model. The watch on her wrist is shining and looks like precious metal which shows the artist is luxurious more simple.
Back cover
- On the back cover the artist is still shot at close up and medium close up to dwell on her pleasing looks but there are many small portraits scattered on the back cover. This give a feel of shattered glass with pieces on the floor because of the sharp edges
- This can reflect how the artist wants the audience to view her from different perspectives. Its pointing out that she is not just one character and there's more about her than just what the world may know her as the artist
- Some shots are closer up because the artist want to show her facial expression such as the top right picture and the medium left. They are both the opposite of each other because one shows her smiling showing her happy side and the other shows her serious. Its mixed emotions is telling her audience that she is also like them and gets angry and life isn't always great. This can bring the audience closer the the artist.
- Some of the pictures shows the artist posture like she is modelling and posing for the camera like the top two pictures on the left. Its backing up her identity as an attractive artist who likes to model.
- The picture on the far right shows the artist touching her face and almost kissing into nothing and her glasses shows the reflection of camera lights. This shows her embracing her looks and showing love by blowing kisses to her audience.
- Like in the front cover the artist avoids heavy make up and she keeps her natural curly hair the same.
- On the front cover we couldn't see the artist clothing but like i have guessed it would be something showing cleavage, here in one of the back cover pictures she is wearing a corset and feeling her hair giving a seductive look to her audience. This indicates her personality as quite erotic but the other pictures show her dressed modest and glamorous with her glittery shiny neck-less's which out weight's her erotic appearances. Her sunglasses are classic white which can also depict her style as quite vintage but stylish at the same time.
- The background of the back cover is black which can represent her mysterious past as it contrast her bright presents in her photographs.
- Her song titles are in bold red capital to stand out from her black and white cover but the red also matches her common red lipstick she wears in almost all her music videos. This again represents her vanity and erotic side which is less seen. Red can also stand for rage and passion as she is passionate about her music.
- It is common for artists to want to attract a particular target audience or other consumers by creating inspirational music videos or videos people can relate too, This artist is called Mary J Blige an American RNB and Pop artist. This album title is the breakthrough which people can relate to or feel inspired by the title.
- The font on the album cover shows the artist name and initials which is written on the cover very simple and very small which could indicate its more emphasis on her face and beauty.
- The main colour on the album is Blue and white which makes her appear more clear and attractive and the hair style is very mature from her previous album covers and ear rings are very glamourous. The front of the cover shows a close up of the artist which is meant to appeal to a more mature target audience. The close up is also meant to advertise and promote the artist.
- That the album cover is aimed at a more older target audience.
- The Majority of her fan base and her target audience range from 21-38 which are mainly female adults.
- This album shows also shows the songs on the album and the names of the features on the back of the album cover.
- This image is a long shot which shows her being confident in her gender and her class. Which shows power and style.
- This CD cover is very influential in terms of my idea development because on her CD cover she used close ups of the artist face. I feel this is a camera shot i will like to use to advertise and promote my artist and her style.
- This is the magazine cover it also portrays the artist the same way as the CD cover its still mature and confident poster of the artist.
Jodie Connor
- The purpose of a CD cover is to persuade consumers to buy the product this is often done by putting an attractive CD cover in order to catch the eyes of the consumers an if the artist is mainstream consumers would automatically buy the product however for the less mainstream artist they would have to advertise effectively. The CD cover I am going to analyse is an artist called Jodie Connor who is slowly making it in mainstream market.
- The CD covers main picture is of the artist itself the shot angle that is used is medium shot only showing the top half of the body this shot may have been used in order to attract male attention and she is also wearing a low top but also with a hooded top, the camera angle is slightly low angled this maybe used to show that the artist powerful as she also has a smile on her face.
- The body posture/language tells us that she is standing up top half of body is revealing as she is wearing a low top relaxed looking up with a cheeky smile may indicate that she is being herself without anyone telling her what to do. However the make up of the artist seems to be light the only feature stands out is the lips as it only shows light lipstick this may suggest that she is showing her true beauty and that makeup isn't always needed to make you look attractive.
- The hair of the artist seems to be black but it’s covered by hooded top so it’s only partially shown this may indicate that the artist is down to earth as she is being herself and experimenting by wearing a hooded top to show her tomboy side and this also suggest that she is wise and bold
- The clothes the artist is wearing seems to be a black low top but also an Adidas track top with geeky glasses, the indication of the character seems to be half tomboy half lady like and it also connotes that she is young and having fun
- The background of CD cover is just a white brick wall, seems to be in a block or in a photo shoot as you can see white brick walls it is also edited with rays of colour this may connote happy days
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