Saturday, 1 December 2012


As part of our planning and research, we have made a questionnaire which will hand out to teenagers to complete. This will aid us in finding out what our target audience like and enjoy, so we can include this in our music video.

1.    What is your gender?
       Male               Female

2.    What age range do you fall under?
11-15      16-19     20-25     26+

3.    What is your favourite genre/type of music?
·      Hip Hop
·      Pop
·      Rap
·      House Music
·      RnB
·      Indie
·      Grime
·      Classical
·      Other………

4.    Who is your favourite female artist?
·      Katy Perry
·      Rita Ora
·      BeyoncĂ©
·      Tulisa
·      Cheryl Cole
·      Other………

5.    Does the artist you like represent any particular lifestyle ?

Yes             No

6.    How does the artist dress?
·      Smart
·      Casual
·      Glamorous
·      Revealing
·      Other………

7.    Do you tend to dress like the artist that is your favourite?
Yes             No

8.    How is the artist portrayed in their music video?
·      Sexy
·      Boring
·      Sophisticated
·      Weird
·      Retro
·      Other………

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